Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

310 PARADISE LOST; BOOK XI: And wild; How (hall we breathe in other air Leis pure, accuftom'd to immortal fruits ? 285 Whom thus the Angel interrupted mild : Lament not, Eve, but patiently refign What jufily thou haft loft : nor let thy heart Thus over-fond, on that which is not thine. Thy going is not lonely ; with thee goes 290 Thy hatband ; him to follow thou art bound : Where he abides, think there thy native foil. Adam, by this from the cold fudden damp Recov'ring, and his fcatter'd fpirits return'd: To Michael thus his humble words addrefs'd. 295 Ccelellial l whether among the Thrones, or nam'd Of them the higheft ; for loch of ffiape may feet Prince above Princes! Gently haft thou told Thy meffage, which might elfe in telling wound, And in performing end us : what betides 300 Of furrow, and deje6tion, and defpair, Our frailty can fuitain thy tidings bring, Departure from this happy place (our fweet Recefs, and only confolation left Familiar to our eyes !) all places elfe 3os lnhofpirable appear, and defolate ; Nor knowing us, nor known. And if by pray'r Inceffant, 1 could hope to change the will Of HimWho all things can, I would not ceafe To weary Him with my affiduous cries. 310 But pray'r againft Hi6abfolute decree No more avails, than breath againfl the wind ; Blown flifling back on him that breaths it forth : Therefore to his great bidding 1 tubmit This molt dads me, that departing hence, 315 As