312 PARADISE LOST. BooK XI. God is as here ; and will be found alike 350 Prefent ; and of His pretence many a fign Still following thee, dill compaffing thee round With goodnefs, and paternal love, his face Exprefs, and of his Reps the track divine. Which that thou may'd believe, and be confirm'd 355 E'er thou from hence depart ; know, I am fent To thew thee what (hall come in future days To thee, and to thy offspring : good with bad Expel to hear ; fupernal grace contending With finfulnefs of men ; thereby to learn 360 True patience ; and to temper joy with fear And pious forrow ; equally inur'd By moderation either date to bear, Profperous or adverte fo (halt thou lead Safeft thy life, and bed prepar'd indure 365 Thy mortal paffage when it comes. Afcend This hill ; let Eve (for I have drench'd her eyes) Here sleep below ; while thou to forefight wak'd ; As once thou flept'd, whild the to life was form'd. To whom thus Adam gratefully reply'd. 370 Afcend, I follow thee, fafe Guide ! the path Thou lead'd me ; and to the hand of heav'n fubmit, However chaning ! to the evil, turn My obvious bread ; aiming to overcome By fuffering, and earn red from labour won ; 375 If fo I may attain l-So both afcend, In the vifions of God. It was a hill, Of Paradife the highea ; from whole top The hemifphere of earth, in cleared ken, Stretch'd out to th' ampled reach of protped lay. 380 Not high'r that hill, nor wider looking round, Whereon (for different caufe) the tempter let Our Second Adam, in the wildernefs ; To