Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boox XT. PARADISE LOST. 313 To fhew Him all earth's kingdoms, and their glory. His eye might there command wherever flood 385 City, of old or modern fame ; the feat Of mightieft empire : from the deflin'd walls Of Cambalu, feat of Cathaian Charn ; And Samarcand by Oxus, Temir's throne ; To Pekin, of Sinxan Kings : and thence To Agra, and Lahor, of great Mogul ; Down to the golden Cherfonefe: or where The Perfian in Ecbatan fat ; or fence In Hifpahan : or, where the Ruffian Kfar In Mofcow ; or the Sultan in Bizance ; 395 Turcheftan-born : nor could his eye not ken Th' empire of Negus, to his utrnoft Port Ercoco ; and the leis maritime Kings, Monbaza, and Quiloa, and Melind, And Sofala (thought Ophir) to the realm 400 Of Congo, and Angola, fartheft fouth Or thence, from Niger flood to Atlas mount, The Kingdoms of Almanfor, Fez, add Sus, Morocco, and Algiers, and Tremifen : Or Europe thence, and where Rome was to fway 405 The world : in fpirit perhaps he alfo law Rich Mexico, the feat of Montezume, And Cufco in Peru, the richer feat Of Atabalipa : and yet unfpoil'd Guiana ; whole great city Geryon's Ions 416 Call El Dorado. But to nobler fights, Michael from Adam's eyes the film remoVd, Which that fate fruit that promis'd dearer fight Had bred ; then purg'd with Euphrafy and Rue The vilual nerve, for he had much t fee; And from the Well of Life three drops So deep the pow'r of thefe ingredierns pierc'd (Ev'n to the inmoft feat of mental fight) T t That - 39Q