316 PARADISE LOST. Boole XI. Convulfions, epilepfies, fierce catarrhs, inteffine flone, and ulcer, cholic-pangs, Dxmoniac phrenzy, moaping melancholy And moon-flruck madnets, pining atrophy, Marafmus, and wide-walling peftilence, Dropfies, and afthma's, andjoint-racking theurns. Dire was the tolling ! deep the groans ! Defpair Tended the tick bufieft from couch to coach : And over them triumphant Death his dart Shook ; but delay'd to ftrike, though oft invok'd With vows, as their chief good, and final hope. Sight fo deform what heart of rock could long Dry-ey'd behold ? Adam could nor, but wept, Though not of woman born ; compaffion quell'd His heft of man, and gave him up to tears A (pace ; till firmer thoughts reftrain'd excels, And fcarce recovering words his plaint renew'd. 0 miferable,mankind ! to what fall 500 Dtgraded, to what wretched ftate referv'd ! 13t tter end here unborn ! Why is life giv'n To be thus wrefled from us ? rather, why Obtruded on us thus? who, if we knew What we receive, would either not accept 505 Life offer'd ; or loon beg to lay it down ; Glad to be to difinift in peace. Can thus Th' image of God in man, (created once So goodly and erect, though faulty fince !) To fuch unfightly fufferings be debas'd, 510 Under in human pains? Why fhould not man, Retaining divine fimilitude In part, from fuch deformities be free, And for his Maker's Image fake exempt ? Their Maker's Image, anfwer'd Michael then Forfook them, when themfelves they vilify'd 485 490 495 515 To