Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

'0 PARADISE LOST. Boox XI. Which I mull keep till my appointed day Of rendring up, and patiently attend My diffolution ! Michael reply'd. Nor love thy life, nor hate ; but what thou Live well ; how long, or fhort, permit to heav'n : And now prepare thee for another fight. 555 He look'd, and law a fpacious plain, whereon Were tents of various hue : by tome, were herds Of cattle grazing : others, whence the found Of inftruments, that made melodious chime, Was heard, of harp, and organ ; and who mov'd 56o Their flops and chords was ken : his volant touch Inflind through all proportions, low and high, Fled and purfu'd tranfverfe the refonant fugue. In other part, flood one who at the forge Lab'ring, two mafry clods of ir'n, and brats, 565 Had melted (whether found where catual fire Had wafted woods on mountain, or in vale, Down to the veins of earth ; thence gliding hot To fume cave's mouth ; or whether wafb'd by ltream From under-ground) the liquid Ore he drain'd ,57o Into fit Molds prepar'd ; from which he form'd Firft his own tools: then, what might elfe be wrought Futil, or grav'n in metal. After thefe, (But on the hither fide) a different fort From the high neigh'o'ring hills, which was their feat, Down to the plain defcended : by their guile 576 Dull men they feem'd, and all their Rudy bent worfhip God aright, and know his works Not hid-; nor thole things !ail, which might preferve Freedom, and peace to men : they on the plain 580 Long had not walk'd, when from the tents, behold ! A bevy of fair women ; richly gay In 550