Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

320 PARADISE LOST. BOOK XI, Yet empty of all good, wherein confifts Woman's domefic honor, and chief praife : Bred only, and compleated, to the tale Of lufful appetence ; to fing, to dance, To drefs, and droll the tongue, and roll the eye : 62o To thefe, that fober race of men (wIrife lives Religious, titled them the fons of God) Shall yield up all their virtue, all their fame, Ignobly l to the trains, and to the fmiles Of thefe fair Atheas ; and now fwim in joy, 625 (E'er long to fwim at large) and laugh : for which The world e'er long a world of tears mufl weep To whom thus Adam, of fhort joy bereft. O pity and flame ! that they, who to live well Enter'd fo fair, thould turn atide to tread 630 Paths indired, or in the mid way faint ! But fill I fee the tenor of man's woe Hold on the fame, from women to begin. From man's effeminate flacknefs it begins, (Said th' Angel) who fhould better hold his place 635 By wifdom, and fuperior gifts receiv'd. But now prepare thee for another fcene. He look'd, and law wide territority fpread Before him, towns and rural works between : Cities of men, with lofty gates and tow'rs ; 640 Concourfe in arms ; fierce faces threatning war ; Giants of mighty bone, and bold emprife I Part wield their Arms, part curb the foaming feed : Singlz, or in array of battel rang'd. Both Horfe and Foot ; nor idly rnuft'ring flood : 645 One way, a Band felet from forage drives A herd of beeves, fair oxen, and fair kine, From