Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boox XL PARADISE LOST. 32! From a fat meadow-ground ; or fleecy flock, Ewes, and their bleating lambs, over the plain ; Their booty : fcarce with life the ilepherds fly; 650 But call in aid ; which makes a bloody fray. With cruel Tournament the fquadrons join ! Where cattle paftur'd late, now fcatter'd lies With earcaffes, and arms, di' infanguin'd field, Deferted. Others, to a city firong 655 Lay liege, incamp'd ; by Batt'ry, Scale, and Mine, Affaulting : others, from the wall defend With dart, and jav'lin, Hones and fulph'rous fire : On each hand flaughter, and gigantic deeds. In other part, the fceptred heralds call 66o To council, in the city gates : anon Gray-headed men and grave, with warriors mix'd, Affemble, and harangues are heard but foon, In factious oppofition : till at WI, Of middle age one riling, eminent 665 In wile deport, fpake much of right and wrong, Ofjuftice, of religion, truth and peace, And judgment from above : him old and young Exploded, and feiz'd with violent hands ; Had not a cloud defcending fnatch'd him thence, 670 Unfeen amid the throng : fo violence Proceeded, and oppreffion, and fword-law Through all the plain, and refuge none was found. Adam was all in tears and to his Guide Lamenting turn'd full fad : 0 what are thefe ? 675 Death's rninifier's, not men! who thus deal death Inhumanly to men ; and multiply Ten thouf.ndfold the fin of him who flew His brother : for of whom finch maffacre Make they, but of their brethren ; men of men ? 68o But who was that kill Man, whom had not heav'n Refcu'd, had in his righteoufnefs been loft ? Uu To