Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

32i PARADISE LOST. Boole. XI. To whom thus Michael. Thefe are the product Of thofe ill-mated marriages thou faw'ft ; Where goodwith bad were match'd, who of themfelves Abhor to join : and by imprudence mix'd, 686 Produce prodigious births, of body or mind. Such were thefe Giants ; men of high renown ! For in thole days, might only (hall be admir'd ; And valor, and Heroic Virtue, call'd : 690 To overcome in battel, and fubdue Nations, and bring home fpoils with infinite Man-flaughter, than be held the higheft pitch Of human glory ; and for glory done Of triumph, to be ftyl'd great Conquerors, 695 Patrons of mankim4, Gods, and Ions of Gods ; Deitroyers rightlier call'd, and plagues of men. Thus fame (hall be atchiev'd, renown on earth ; And what molt merits fame, in filence hid. But he, the feventh from thee, whom thou beheldft 700 The only righteous in a world perverfe, And therefore hated, therefore fo befet With foes, for daring fingle to be juft, And utter odious truth, that God would come To judge them with His Saints : him the Moil High (Rap'd in a balmy cloud with winged Reeds) 706 Did, as thou faw'ft, receive ; to walk with God High in falvation, and the climes of bills, Exempt from death : to Chew thee what reward Awaits the good ; the reft, what punithment : 7 to Which DOW direCt thine eyes, and loon behold. He look'd, and law the face of things quite chang'd : The brazen throat of war had ceas'd to roar ; All now was turn'd to jollity, and game, To luxury and riot, featt and dance ; 715 Marrying, or proftituting (as betel) Rape, or adultery, where palling Fair Allur'd