BOOK XI. PARADISE LOST. 323 Allur'd them : thence from cups, to civil broils. At length a reverend fire among them came, And of their doings great diflike declar'd, 720 And teftify'd againfl their ways : he oft Frequented' their affemblies, wherefo met, Triumphs, or feflivals : and to them pr'cach'd Corwerfion, and repentance ; as to fouls In prifon, under judgments imminent : 725 But all in vain ! which when he law, he ceas'd Contending, and remov'd his tents far-diT, Then, from the-mountain hewing timber tall, Began to build a Veffel of huge bulk ; Mealued by cubit, length, and breadth, and height; 730 Smear'd round with pitch ; and in the fide a door Contriv'd ; and of provifions laid in large, For man and beaft : when lo, a wonder ftrange ! Of every beat}, and bird, and inlet fmall Came fevens, and pairs, and enter'd in, as taught 735 Their order : laft the fire, and his three Ions With their four wives : and God made fat} the door. Mean while the fouthwind rote, and with black wings Wide-hov'ring, all the clouds together drove From under heav'n ; the hills to their fupply 740 Vapor, and exhalation dull.: and moift, Sent up amain : and now, the thicken'd {ley Like a dark ceiling flood ; down ruOn'd the rain Impetuous : and continu'd till the earth No more was Peen : the floating Veffel fwum 745 Uplifted ; and fecure with beaked prow Rode tilting o'er the waves : all dwellings elfe Flood overwhelm'd, and them with all their pomp Deep under water roll'd ; tea cover'd tea ; Sea without fhore ! and in their palaces 750 Where luxury late reign'd, fea- monflers whelp'd And ftabled : of mankind, (fo numerous late) All