BOOK XI. PARADISE LOST. Vs To whom thus Michael. Thole whom laa thou In triumph, and luxurious wealth, are they [faw'ft Firft teen in ads of prowefs eminent, And great exploits ; but of true virtue void : 790 Who having fpil'd much blood, and done much watie, Subduing nations; and atchiev'd thereby. Fame in the world, high titles, and rich prey ; Shall change their courfe to pleafure, eafe, and floth, Surfeit, and lull ; till wantonnefs, and pride, . 795 Raife out of friendfhip hollile deeds in peace. The conquer'd alfo, and enthy'd by war, Shall, with their freedom loft, all virtue lofe, And fear of God ; from whom their piety feign'd, In (harp conceit of baud found no aid, 800 Againft invaders : therefore, cool in zeal, Thenceforth (ball pradife how to live fecule, Worldly, or dffolute ; on what their Lords Shall leave them to enjoy : (for th' earth mall bear More than enough, that temperance may be try'd:) 8og So all fhall turn degenerate, all deprav'd ; Jaaice, and temperance, truth and faith forgot ! One man except, the only fon of light In a dark age, againft example good, Againft allurement, cu(tom, and a world 810 Offended : fearlefs of reproach and (corn, Or violence; he of their wicked ways . Shall them admonifh ; and before them let The paths of righteoufnefs, how much more face, And full of peace ; denouncing wrath to come 815 On their impenitence; and (hall return Of them derided. But, of God obferv'd, The one juft man alive, by his command Shall build a wondrous Ark (as thou behelda) To lave himfelf and houfhold, from amidit 820 A world devote to univerfal wreck. No