Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BooxXI. PARADISE LOST, And after him (the furer meffenger) A dove, fent forth once and again, to fpy Green tree, or ground, whereon his foot may light : The fecond time returning, in his bill An olive-leaf he brings, pacific fign ! 86o Anon dry ground appears, and from his Ark The antient fire deicends, with all his train : Then with uplifted hands, and eyes devout, Grateful to heav'n, over his head beholds A dewy cloud, and in the cloud a bow 865 Confpicuous, with three lifted colors gay, Betok'ning peace from GA, and cov'nant new : Whereat the heart of Adam, erft fo fad, Greatly rejoyc'd ; and thus his joy broke forth: 0 thou who future things canfl reprefent 87© As prefent, heav'nly inftruaor I revive At this laft fight ; affur'd that man (hall live With all the creatures, and their feed preferve. Far lefs I now lament for one whole world Of wicked Eons deitroy'd ; than I rejoyce 875 For one man found fo perfect, and fo juft, That God vouchiafes to raife another world From him, and all his anger to forget. But fay, what mean thole color'd ftreaks in heav'n, Dittended, as the brow of God appeas'd ? 88o Or ferve they, as a flow'ry verge, to bind The fluid fkirts of that fame wat'ry cloud, Left it again dtffolve, and (how's the earth ? To whom th' Arch-Angel. Dextroufly thou aim'il; So willingly doth God remit his ire, 885 Though late, repenting him of man deprav'd ; Griev'd at his heart, when, looking down he law The whole earth fart' with violence ; and all tiefh Corrupting 327