Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

328 PARADISE LOST: BooK Corrupting each their way : yet, thole remov'd, Such grace avail one juft man find in his fight, 893 That he relents, not to blot out mankind ; And makes a covenant never to deitroy The earth again by flood ; nor let the lea Surpafs his bounds ; nor rain to drown the world, With man therein, or beau : but when he brings 895 Over the earth a cloud, will therein let His triple-color'd bow, whereon to look, And call to mind his cov'nant : day, and night, Seed time, and harveff, heat, and hoary holt Shail hold their courfe ; till fire purge all things new, Both heav'n and earth, wherein the jull (hall dwell. 901 THE END OF THE ELEVENTH BOOK. T H E