PARADISE LOST. BOOK L Of warriors old with order'd fpear and fhield, 565 Awaiting what command their mighty Chief Had to impofe: he thro' the armed files Darts his experienc'd eye, and loon traverfe The whole battalion views their order due ; Their visages and ftature as of Gods ; 57° Their number hit he fums. And now is heart Dlends with pride, and hard'ning in his flrength Glories : for never fince created man Met loch imbodied force, as nam'd with thele Could merit more than that fmall infantry 575, Warr'd co by cranes ; tho' all the Giant brood Of Phlegra whh th' Heroic race were join'd, That lought at Thebes and Ilium! on each fide MA'; with auxiliai' Gods : and what refounds or romance of Uther's fon, 580 'begirt with Britith and Armoric Knights ; And ;611 who fioce, baptiz'd or infidel, joufled in Aifhamont or Montalban, Damalco, or Marocco, or Trebifond ; (Jr whom Bilerta fent from Afric fhore, 585 When Charlemain with all his Peerage fell By Fontarabbia. Thus far there beyond Compare of mortal prowcfs, yet obferv'd 1 heir dread commander : he, above the reit to thape and getiure proudly eminent, Stood like a tow'r ; his form had yet not loft All her original brightnefs, nor appear'd Los than Arch-Angel ruin'd, and th' excels Of glory obicut'n: as when the fun new-ris'n Looks duo' Ole horizontal mifiy air, 595 bhorn ot his beams ; or from behind the moon, In dim eciipfe, ditaltrous twilight fheds On halt the nations, and with tear of change perplexes rnotiarchs'; narken'd ib, yet Phone Above 590