BOOK I. PARADISE LOST. Clafh'd on their founding fhields the din of war, Hurling defiance toward the vault of heav'n. There flood a hill not far, whole grifly top 670 Belch'd fire and fowling fmoke ; the refit entire Shone with a Toffy fcurf, undoubted figs That in his womb was hid metallic ore, The work of fulphur ; thither wing'd with fpeed A numerous brigad hatlen'd : as when bands 675 Of pioneers, with fpade and pickax arm'd, Forerun the royal camp, to trench a field, Or raft a rampart : Mammon led them on, Mammon, the leaft ere6ted fpirit that fell From heav'n; for ev'n in heav'n his looks and thoughts Were always downward bent: admiring more 68 I The riches of heav'n's pavement, trodden gold, Than ought divine or holy el fe enjoy'd In vifion beatific : by him firft Men alfo, and by his fuggettion taught, 685 Ranfack'd the centre, and with impious hands Rifled the bowels of their mother earth, For trealures better hid. Soon had his crew Open'd into the hill a fpacious wound, And dig'd out ribs of gold. (Let none admire 6go That riches grow in hell ; that foil may heft Deferve the precious bane.) And here let thofe Who boatt in mortal things, and wond'ring tell Of Babel, and the works of Memphian Kings, Learn how their greateft monuments of fame, 695 And flrength and art are eafily out-done By fpirits reprobate, and in an hour What in an age they with inceffant toil, And hands innumerable, Icacce perform. Nigh on the plain in many cells prepar'd, 700 That underneath had veins of liquid fire Sluc'd