26 PARADISE LOST. Boole I: Fly to and fro, or on the fmoothed plank, The fuburb of their ftraw-built cittadel, New rubb'd with baum, expatiate and confer Their Hate affairs : So thick the mry crowd 775 Swarm'd and were ftraiten'd, till the fignal giv'n Behold a wonder ! they but now who feem'd In bignefs to furpafs Earth's Giant funs, Now lefs than fmalleft dwarfs, in narrow room Throng numberlefs, like that pygmean race 78o Beyond the Indian mount, or Fairy Elves, Whole midnight revels, by a foreft tide, Or fountain, tome belated peafant fees, Or dreams he fees, while over-head the moon Sits arbitrefs, and nearer to the earth 785 Wheels her pale courfe ; they on their mirth and Intent, with jocund mufic charm his ear ; [dance At once with joy and fear his heart rebounds. Thus incorporeal fpirits to fmalleft forms Reduc'd their fhapes immenfe, and were at large, 790 Though without number dill amidft the hall Of that Infernal court. But far within, And in their own dimenfions like themfeives. The great Seraphic Lords and Cherubim, in clofs recefs and fecret conclave fat ; 795 A thoufand Demi-Guth on golden feats, Frequent and full : after (hart filence then And fummons read, the great contult began. THE END OF THE FIRST BOOK.