Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

4.0 PARADISE LOST. Boot( li And where their weaknefs, how attempted heft, By force or fubtlety. Though heav'n be (hut, And hee.v'n's high arbitrator fits fecure In his own ftrength, this place may lye expos'd 360 The utmoft border of his kingdom, left To their defence who hold it : here perhaps Some advantageous aei may be atchiev'd By fudden onfet, either with hell fire To waffle his whole creation, or poffefs All as our own, and drive (as we are driv'a) The puny habitants ; or if not drive, Seduce them to our party, that their God May prove their foe, and with repenting hand Abolith his own works. This would furpals 370 Common revenge, and interrupt his joy In our confufion, and our joy upraife' In his difturbance ; when his darling fons, Hurl'd headlong to partake with us, final' curie Their frail original, and faded blifs, 375 Faded fo loon. Advife if this be worth Attempting, or to fit in darknefs here Hatching vain empires.-Thus Beelzebub Pleaded his devilifh counfel, firft devis'd By Satan, and in part propos'd : for whence, 380 But from the author of all ill, could fpring So deep a malice to confound the race Of mankind in one root, and earth with hell To mingle and involve, done all to fpite The great Creator ? but their fpite ttill ferves 385 His glory to augment. The bold defign Pleas'd highly thofe infernal States, and joy Sparkl'd in all their eyes ; with full anent They vote : whereat his Speech he thus renews. Well have ye judg'd, well ended long debate, 390 Synod of Gods I and, like to what ye are, Great 365