gaok Lk PARADISE LOST. 41 Great things refolv'd ; which from the loweR deep Will once fisaJre lift us up, in Bight of fate, Nearer our ancient feat ; perhaps in view 394s Of thole bright confines, whence with neighbourin; And opportune excurfion, we may chance [arms Re-enter heav'n : or elk in fame mid Zone Dwell not unvifited of heav'n's fair light Secure, and at the brightning orient beam Purge off this gloom : the loft delicious air, 40'2 To heal the fear of thefe corrofive fires Shall breathe her balm. But &II whom fhall we fend In fearch of this new world ; whom fhall we find Sufficient ? who (hall tempt with wandring feet The dark unbottom'd infinite Abyfs, 4o5 And through the palpable oblcute find out His uncouth way, or fpread his airy flight Upborn with indefatigable wings Over the vall abrupt, e'er he.arrive The happy ifle ? What flrength, what art can then Suffice, or what evafion bear him tale 41 I Through the ftrid fenteries, and fiations thick Or angels watching round ? here he had need All eircumfpedion ; and we now no lefs Choice in our fuffrage : for on whom we fend, 415 The weight of all and our laft hope relies. This faid, he fat ; and expeIation held His look fulpenfe, awaiting who appear'd To fecond, or oppofe, or undertake The perilous attempt : But all fat mute, 420 Pondering the danger with deep thoughts; and each In others count'nance read his own difmay Aflonifh'd : none, among the choice and prime Of thofe heav'n-warring champions, could be found So hardy, as to proffer or accept 425 H Alone