44 PARADISE LOST; 00oz-A Atte II their joy, that hill and valley rings.";- O fhame to m n ! Devil with Devil damn'cl Firm concord holds, men only difagree Of creatures rarional, though under hope hea.'nly grace : and God proclaiming peace, Yet lye in barred, enmity and firife, 500 Among themfelves, and levy cruel wars, Waiting the earth, each other to defiroy : As if (which might induce us to accord) Mari'had not hellith foes enow betid,s, That thy and night for his dcflrutftion wait. sos The Stygian council thus difnlv'd, and forth In order came the grand infernal Peers : c'.me their mighty Paramount, and feern'd Alone lb' antagcnift of heav"3 nor lefs Than hell's dread Emperor,..with pomp fupreme, çxo And God-like imitated (late : him round A gh be of fiery Seraphim inclos'd Wih bright irnblazonry, and horrent arms. hen of their feffion ended they bid cry With trumpets regal found the great refult : 515 Tow'rds the four winds four fpeedy Cherubim Put to their mouths the founding alchymy, By heralds voice explain'd : the bellow Abyfs Heald far and wide, and all the heft of hell With deaf %ling fhout return'd them loud acclaim. 520 Thence more at eafe their minds, and fornewhat rais'd B' talfe prelumptucus hope, the ranged Pow'rs Dith,nd, and wand'ring, each his feveral way 1-3,,tie;., as inclination or fad choice Leads him perplext, where he may likelieft find 525 Luce to his reitleis thoughts, and entertain The irkforne hours, till his great chief return. Part