'46 'PARADISE LOST: BOOK Of happinefs and final mifery, Paflion and apathy, and glory and fhame, Vain wifdom all, and falfe philolophy : Yet with a pleafing forcery could charm Pain for a while, or anguifh ; and excite Fallacicus hope, or arm th' obdurate breaft With fiubborn patience, as with triple tied. Another part, in fquadrons and grofs bands, 577 On bold adventure to difcover wide That difmal world, if any clime perhaps Might yield them eafier habitation, bend Four ways their flying march, along the banks Of fur infernal rivers, that difgorge 575 Into the burning lake their baleful fireams : Abhorred Styx, the flood of deadly hate ; Sad Acheron, of forrow black and deep ; Cocytus, nam'd of lamentation loud Heard on the rueful flrep<m ; fierce Phlegeton 5So Whole waves of torrent fire inflame with rage.- Far off from i:hefe a flow and fluent fiream,, Lethe the river of oblivion, rolls Her watt y labyrinth ; whereof who drinks, Forthwith his former {late and being forgets, 5S5 Forgets both joy and grief, plealure and pain. Beyond this flood a frozen continent Lies dark and wild, beat with perpetual florrus Of whirlwind and dire hail ; which on firm land Thaws not, but gathers heap, and ruin feems 59O Of ancient pile; all elle ,deep frow and ice ; A gulf protound, as that Serhonian bog Betwixt Damiata and mount Cafus old, Where ..urnies whole have funk : the parching air Burns frore, and cold performs th' tad of tire. 595 Thither by harpy-footed Furies hal'd At certain revolutions, all the d2mn'd 505 Are