Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

48 PARADISE LOST. Book. II. Explores his folitary flight : fometimes He fcours the right.hand coaft, 1-tmetimes the left : Now fhaves with level wing the deep; then boars Up to the fiery concave towring high. 635 As when far otf at fea a fleet defcry'd, Hangs in the clouds by 27-Equinoctial winds Clofe failing from Bengala, or the ifles Of Ternate ^od Tidore, whence merchants bring Their fpi.7y drugs they on the trading flood 640 Through the wide iDhiopian, to the Cape Ply fternming nTghtty tow'rd the Pule : fo feem'd Far off the flying Fiend. At latt, appear Hell bounds high reaching to the horrid roof ; And thrice threefold the gates: three folds were trafs, Three Iron, three of Adamantine rock, 646 Impenetrable, in-yard with circling fire, Yet unconlum'd. Before the gates there fat On either fide a formidable thape ; The one feem'd woman to the wafle and fair, 650 But ended foul in many a lea!), fold, Voluminous and vat' ! a ferpent arw'd With mortal fling: about her middle round A cry of hell-hounds never ceafing bark'd With wide Cerberian mouths full loud, and rung 655 A hideous Peal : yet, when they lift, would creep, If ought difturb'd their noife, into her womb, And kennel there, yet there fill bark'd, and howl'd unfeen, Far lefs abhorr'd than thefe Vex'd Scylla, bathing in the lea that parts 66o Calabria from the hoarfe Trinacrian fhore Nor uglier follow the Night-hag, when cali'd In fecret, riding through the air fhe comes Lur'd with the linen of infant blood, to dance With Lapland witches, while the labiring:Moon 665' Eclipfes at their charms. The other thapc, If