Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

0 PARADISE LOST:, BOOK H. Falfe fugitive ! and to thy (peed add wings ; 700 Left with a whip of fcorpions I purfue Thy lingring ; or with one flroke of this dart Strange horror feize thee, and pangs unfelt before. So fpake the griefly Terror, and in fhape, So (peaking and fo threatning, grew tenfold 7 5 More dreadful and deform. On th' other fide Incens'd with indignation Satan flood Unterrify'd ; and like a Comet burri'd, That fires the length of Ophiucus huge In th'artic fley, and from his horrid hair 710 Shakes peftilence and war. Each at the head Level'd his deadly aim ; their fatal hands No fecond flroke intend ; and fuch a frown Each caft at th' other, as when two black clouds Wih heav'n's artill'ry fraught, come rattling on 715 Over the Caspian ; then Eland front to front Hov'ring a fpace, till winds the fignal blow To join their dark encounter in mid air : So trown'd the mighty combatants, that hell Grew darker at their frown : fo match'd they flood 720 For never but once more was either like To meet fo great a foe. And now great deeds Had been atchiev'd, whereof all hell had rung, Had not the Inaky forcerefs that fat Fall by hell-gate, and kept the fatal key, 725 Ris'n and with hideous outcry rufh'd between. 0 father if what intends thy hand, fhe cry'd, Againfl thy only fon ? What fury, 0 fon, Poffeffes thee, to bend that mortal dart Againft thy father's head? and know'ft for whom ; 730 For him who fits above, and laughs the while At thoe ordain'd his drudge, to execute What-