tvg 11 Alt AD I SE L .DST: Beim 1114 Fall circumvented thus by fraud, though jOin'd With his own folly that be trom thee far, That far be from thee, Father, who art judge Of all things made, and judge( only right. 155 Or (hall the adverfary thus obtain 1-Iis end, and fruilrate thine, than he fulfil His malice, and thy goodnefs bring to nought, Or proud return though to his heavier doom, Yet with revenge accomplith'd, and to hell 160 Draw after him the whole race of mankind, By him coy uipted or wilt thou thy felf Abolifh thy creation, and unmake For him, what for thy glory ;hou haft made ? o 111(.,uid thy goodnefs and thy greatnefs both 165 Bz. quation'd, and biatphern'd wi hout defence. To whom the great Creator thus reply'd. - O Son, in whom my foul hash chief delight, Solt of my Mom, Son who art alone MY word, my wisdom, and effedual might, 1`0- All haft thou ;p' ken as my thoughts are, all As my riteinal purpok bath decieed.. Man that] ni)t quite be kit, but fav'd who will, yet not of will in him, but grace in me voticinA'd : once more I will renew 175 His laffed though forfeit, and idthrall'd By tic, to foul exorbitant dcfi:es lisptedd by me, yet once in07e he {hall (land On even ground againil his mortal foe : By me upheld 1 tha: he may know how frail 180 his faiPn condition is, and to me ewe All his delivirance, and 10 none but me. Some I have cholen of peculiar grace #Vdlecct above the reit : to is my will : The rat 111411 hear me call, and oft be warn'cl jSs Their wRli