BOOK III. PARADISE LOST. I through the ample air in triumph high Shall lead hell captive, maugre hell ! and (how 255 The Pow'rs of darknefs bound. Thou at the fight Pleas'd, out of heaven (halt look down and fmile ; While by thee rais'd I ruin all my foes, Death laft, and with his carcafs glut the grave. Then with the multitude of my redeem'd Shall enter heav'n long abfent, and return, Father, to fee thy face, wherein no cloud Of anger (hall remain ; but peace afTur'd And reconcilement : wrath (hall be no more Thenceforth, but in thy pretence joy entire. 26 His words here ended, but his meek afped Silent yet fpake, and breath'd immortal love To mortal men, above which only (hone Filial obedience : as a facrifice Glad to be offer'd, he attends thewill Of his great Father. Admiration feiz'd All heav'n, what this might mean, and whither tend Wond'ring ; but loon th' Almighty thus reply'd 0 thou in heav'n and earth the only peace Found out for mankind under wrath, 0 Thou 275 My fole complacence ! well thou know'ft how dear To me are all my works, nor man the leaft Though laft created ; that for him I (pare Thee from my bofom and right hand, to lave. (By lofing thee a while) the whole race loft. Thou therefore whom thou only canft redeem, Their nature alfo to thy nature join ; And be thy felf man among men on earth, Made flefh, when time fhaii be, of virgin feed, By wondrous birth : be thou in Adam's room The head of all mankind, though Adam's Ion. 71 260 2713 285 As