Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

72 PARADISE LOST. BOOK III. As in him perith all men, fo in thee, As from a fecond root, fhall he refter'd As many as are reaor'd, witbOut thee none. His crime makes guilty all hit Ions ; thy merit 290 Imputed {hall abfolve them who renounce Their own both righteoes, and unrighteous, deeds: And live in thee traufplanted, and from thee Receive new tile. So man, as is molt juft, Shall fatisfie for Man, be judg'd and (lie; 295 And dying rite, and airing with him raise His brethren, rant-et-11"d with hs own dear life, So heav'nly love (hail outdo .bellifh hate Giving to death, and dying to redeem, So dearly to redeem what hellith hate 300 So eafily deftroy'd, and Hill deftroys In thole who, when they may, accept not grace. or (halt thou by defcending to effurne Man's nature, leffen or degrade thine own. Becaufe thou haft, tho' thron'd in higheft blifs 30j Equal to God, and equally enjoying God like fruition, quittcd all to lave A world from utter lofs, and haft been found By merit more than birthright Son of God, Found worthieft to be fo by being good, 31G Far more than great or high ; becaufe in thee Love hath abounded more than glory abounds, Therefore thy humiliation fhall exalt With thee thy manhood alfo to this throne ; Here (halt thou fit incarnate, here shalt reign 315 Both God and Man, Son both of God ad Man, Anointed Univerfal King; all pow'r I give thee, reign for ever, and afrume Thy merits : under thee as Head Supreme Thrones, Princedoms, Powers, Dominions I reduce: All knees to thee fhall bow, of them that 'bide 321 In