BOOK III. PARADISE LOST. In heav'n, or earth or under earth in hell ; When thou attended glorioufly from heav'n Shalt in the fky appear, and from thee fend The fummoning Arch-Angels to proclaim 325 Thy dread tribunal : forthwith from all winds The living, and forthwith the cited dead Of all paft ages to the general doom Shall hatlen, fuch a peal fhall roufe their fleep Then all thy faints afizmbled, thou (halt judge 330 Bad men and Angels, they arraign'd aiall fink Beneath thy fentence ; hell (her numbers full) Thenceforth (hall be for ever film. Mean while The world thall burn, and from her allies fpring New heav'n and earth, wherein the _it'll (hail dwell ; And after all their tribulations long 336 See golden days, fruitful ofgolden deeds, With joy and love triumphing, and fair truth : Then thou thy regal fceptre (halt lay by, For regal fceptre then no more (hail need, 340 God fhall be All in All. But all ye Gods, Adore him, who to compafs all this dies, Adore the Son, and honor Him as Me. 73 No fowler had th' Almighty ceas'd, but all The multitude of Angels with a fhout 345 (Loud as from numbers without number, fweet As from Weft voices) utt'ring joy, heav'n rung With jubilee, and loud hofanna's fiil'd Th' eternal regions. Lowly reverent Tow'rds either throne they bow, and to the ground With folemn adoration down they call 351 Their crowns, inwove with amarant and gold, Immortal aramant ! a flow'r which once In Paradife fall by the Tree of Life Began to bloom ; but foon for man's offence 355 M To