PARADISE LOST. Boox III. To heav'n remov'd, where firft it grew, there grows, And flow'rs aloft fhading the fount of life ; And where the river of blifs thro' midft of heav'n RowIs o'er Elyfian flow'rs her amber ftream : With thefe that never fade the fpirits elect 36® Bind their resplendent locks, inwreath'd vvi21i beams ; Now in loofe garlands thick thrown off the bright Pavement, that like a tea of jafper (hone, Impurpled with cceleftial rotes fmil'd, Then crown'd again, their golden harps they took Harps ever tun'd, that glitt'ring by their fide Like quivers hung, and with preamble fweet Of charming fymphony they introduce Their iacred long, and waken raptures high, No voice exempt ; no voice but well could join 370 Melodious part, fuch concord is in heav'n. Thee Father firft they lung, Omnipotent, Immutable, Immortal, Infinite, Eternal King; The Author of all Being, Fountain of Light, Thy fell invifible 375 Amidil the glorious brightnefs where thou &ft Thron'd inacceffible, but when thou (had'ft The full blaze of thy beams, and thro' a cloud Drawn round about thee like a radiant (brine Dark with exceflIve bright thy skirts appear : 38o Yet dazzle heav'n, that brighteft Seraphim Approach not, but with both wings veil their eyes. Thee next they Tung of all creation firft, Begotten Son, Divine Similitude ! In whole confpicuous counenance, without cloud 38$ Made vifible, th' Almighty Father fhines, Whom elle no creature can behold : on Thee lmprefs'd, th' effulgence of his glory abides ; Transfus'd on Thee his ample Spirit refts. He It