.71 7. PARADISE LOST. BboK. Park, wafle, and wild, under the frown of night Stands expos'd, and ever-threaening flortns 425 Of Chaos bluaring round, inclement iky I Save on that fide which from the wall of heav'n (Tho' diflant far) fome (mall refle6tion gains Of glimmering air leis vex'd with tempeft loud. Here walk'd the fiend-at large in fpaeious field. 430 As when a Vultur on Irnaus bred, (Whole fnowy ridge the roving Tartar bounds) Diflodging from a region fcarcc of prey To gorge the flefh of lambs, or weanling kid! 434 On hills where flocks are fed, flies tovv'tol the fprings Of Ganges or Hydafpes, (Indian fit-earns) But in his way lights on the barren plains Of Sericana, where Chinefes drive \Vith fails and wind their cany waggons light So on this windy tea of land, the fiend 440 Walk'd up and down alone, bent on his prey ; Alone, for other creature in this place Living or livelcfs to be found was none ; None yet, but flore hereafter from the earth Up hither like aereal vapors flew, 445 of all things tranfitory and vain, when fin With vanity had filed the works of men : Both all things vain, and all who in vain things Built their fond hopes of glory or lafling fame, Or happinefs in this or th' other life : 450 All who have their reward on earth, the fruits Of painful fuperflition, and blind zcal, Nought leeking but the praife of men, here find Fit retribution, empty as their deeds: Aii th' unaccompiiih'd works of nature's hand, 45S Abortive, monftrous, or unkindly mix'd, piffolv'd on earth, fleet hither, and in vain, Till final ddTolution, wander here : 11;