P 0 E M S, tca.; Tomeafure life learn thou betimes, and know Toward folid good what leads the neareft way ; For other things mild Heav'n a time ordains, And difapproves that care, though wife in (how, That with fuperfluous burden loads the day, And when God fends a chearful hour, refrains. On T 11NL E. I0 FLY envious Time, till thou run out thy race, Call on the lazy leaden-ftepping hours, Whole fpeed is but the heavy plummet's pace ; And glut thyfelf with what thy womb devours, Which is no more than what is falfe and vain, And merely mortal drofs ; So little is our lois, So little is thy gain. For when as each thing bad thou haft intomb'd, And laft of all thy greedy. felf confum'd, Im Then long Eternity (hall greet our bills With an individual kifs ; And Joy than overtake us as a flood, When every thing that is fincerely good And perfectly divine, 15 With truth, and peace, and love, (hall ever Thine About the fupreme throne Of him, t' whole happy-making fight alone When once our heav'nly-guided foul than clime, Then all this earthy grofnefs quit, 20 Attir'd with liars, we (hall for ever fit, Triumphing over Death, and Chance, and thee, 0 Time. PARADISE