332 PARADISE LOST. Boole XII. Frefh in their minds, fearing the Deity, is With tome regard to what is jufl and right Shall lead their lives, and multiply apace ; Lab'ring the foil, and reaping plenteous crop, Corn, wine, and oil : and from the herd, or flock, Oft facrificing bullock, lamb, or kid, 20 With large wine-offerings pour'd, and facred feat}, Shall fpend their days in joy unblatn'd ; and dwell Long time in peace, by families, and tribes, Under paternal rule : till one, (lull rife Of proud ambitious heart ; who (not content 25 With fair equality, fraternal ttate ;) Will arrogate dominion undeferv'd, Over his brethren, and quite difpoilefs Concord,_ and law of nature from the earth Hunting (and men, not beaus, (ball be his game) 30 With `war, and hoffile fnare, fuch as refute Subjeaion to his empire tyrannous. Amighty hunter thence he (hall be flyl'd Before the Lord ; as in defpite of heav'n, Or from heav'n, claiming fecond fov'reignty 35 And from rebellion than derive his name, Though of rebellion others he accufe. He with a crew, (whom like ambition joins With him, or under him to tyrannize) Marching from Eden tow'rds the well, thall find 40 The plain, wherein a black bituminous gurge Boils out from under ground, the mouth of hell. Of brick, and of that fluff, they call to build A city, and tow'r, whole top may reach to heav'n; And get tnemfelves a name : left, far difperft 45 foreign lands, their memory be loft ; lil.prdlefs whether good or evil fame. Put God (Who oft deicends to vifit men 7pLep? and through their habitations walks To