PARADISE REGAIN'D. BOOK IWho ere while the hanny garden lung, By one man's difdhA-en' 1. it, now frog Recover'd Paradife to ail nIankind, By one man's fi m obedience fully try'd Through all temptation, and the tempter foil'd In all his wiles, defeated and repuls'd, And Eden rais'd in the wafte wildernefs. Thou Spi'rit who lea this glorious eremite Into the defert, his vietorious field, Againft the fpiritual foe, and broughell him thence to By proof th' und,:ubted Son of God, infpire, As thou art wont, my prompted long elle mute, And bear through heighth or depth of nature's bounds With profp'rous wing full fumrn'd, to tell of deeds Above hLroic, thou0 in fee' et done, 15 And unrecorded left th-ough many an age, Worthy t' have not remain'd fo long unfung. NQW had the great Proclaimer, with a voice More a wfui than the found of trumpet, cry'd Repentance, and Heav'n's kingdom nigh at hand 20 To all bapt'z'd : to his great baptilm flock'd With awe the regions round, and with them came FromNazareth the fon of Jofeph deem'd To the flood Jordan, came as then obfcure, Unmark'd, unknown ; but him the .Baptift foon Defcry'd, divinely warn'd, and witnefs bore As to his worthier, and would have refign'd To him his heav'nly office, nor was long