BOOK XiI. PARADISE LOST. 333 To mark their doings) them be.holding loon, so Comes down to fee their city, e'er the tow'r 00(trua heav'n tow'rs ; and in derifion lets Upon their tongues a various fpirit, to rate Qlite out their native language : and intlead, To low a jangling noife of words unknown. 55 Forthwith a hideous gabble riles loud, Among the builders ; each to other calls Not underflood ; till hoarfe and all in rage, As mock'd they floral : great laughter was in heav'n, And looking down ; to fee the hubbub firange, 6o And hear the din: thus was the building left Ridiculous ; and the work Confufion natn'd. Whereto thus Adam, fatherly difpleas'd. 0 execrable ion! fo to alp ire Above his brethren; to hinnfelf afiuming 65 Authority uturp'd, from God not giv'n. He gave us only over bealt, Hi, fowl Dominion abfolute ; that Eight we hold By his donation: but man over men He made not Lord : fuch title to himfelf Referving, human left from human free. But this ufurper his encroachment proud Stays not on man : to God his tow'r intends Siege, and defiance. Wretched man ! what food Will he convey up thither to fultain Hirntelf, and his rail) army ; where thin air Above the clouds will pine his entrails grols ; And familh him of breath, if not of bread ? 7° 75 To whom thus Michael. Judly thou abhorr'ft That fon, who on the quiet hate of men So Such trouble brought, fubdue Rational Iibeity : yet know withal!, c o inc