Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

490 PARADISE REGAIN'D. Boom': In every province ? who themfelves difdaining To' approach thy temples, give thee in command What to the fmalleft tittle thou (halt fay 450 To thy adorers ; thou with trembling fear, Or like a fawning parafite obey'll ; Then to thyfelf afcrib'fi, the truth foretold. But this thy glory (hall be loon retrench'd ; No more (halt thou by oracling abufe 455 The Gentiles ; henceforth oracles are ceas'd, And thou no more with pomp and facrifice Shalt be inquir'd at Delphos or elfewhere, At leaft in vain, for they (hall find thee mute. God hath now fent his living oracle 460 Into the world to teach his final will, And fends his Spi'rit of truth henceforth to dwell In pious hearts, an inward oracle To all truth requifite for men to know. So fpake our Saviour ; but the fubtle Fiend, 465 Though inly flung with anger and difdain, Diffembled, and this4anfwer fmooth return'd. Sharply thou hail infifled on rebuke, And urg'd me hard with doings, which not will But mifery hath wrefied from me where 470 Eafily cantl thou find one miferable, And not enforc'd oft-times to part from truth ; if it may (land him more in Read to lie, Say and untay, feign, flatter, or abjure ? But thou are plac'd above me, thou art Lord ; 475 From thee 1 can and mutt fubmifs indure Check or reproof, and glad to '(cape fo quit. Hard are the ways of truth, and rough to walk, Smooth on the tongue difcours'd, pleafing to th' ear, And tuneable as fylvan pipe or long ; 480 What wonder then if 1 delight to hear, Her didates from thy mouth ? moll men admire Virtue,