Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

BooK I. PARADISE REGAIN'D Virtue, who follow not her lore : permit me To hear thee when I come (fence no man comes) And talk at leaft, though I defpair to' attain. 485 Thy Father, who is holy, wife and pure, Suffers the hypocrite or atheous prieft To tread his facred courts, and minifter About his altar, handling holy things, Praying or vowing, and vouchfaf'd his voice 490 To Balaam reprobate, a prophet yet Infpir'd ; difdain not fuch accefs to me. To whom our Saviour with unalter'd brow. Thy coming hither, though I know thy fcope, I bid not or forbid ; do as thou find'It 495 Permiffion from above ; thou can'ft not more. He added not ; and Satan bowing low His gray diflimulation, difappear'd Into thin air diffus'd : for now began Night with her fullen wings to double fhade SG° The defert ; fowls in their clay netts were couch'd ; And now wild beafts came forth the woods to roam. 491 THE END OF THE FIRST BOOK. THE