PARADISE REGAIN D. B O 0, K MEAN while the new-baptiz'd, who yet remain'd At Jordan with the Baptift, and had feen Him whom they heard fo late exprelly calla j:;fus IVLffiah Son of God declar'd, And on that high authority had believ'd, 5 And with him talk'd, and with him lodg'd, I mean Andrew and Simon, famous after known, With others tho' in holy writ not nam'd, Now miffing him their joy fo lately found, So lately found, and fo abruptly gone, 10 Began to doubt, and doubted many days, And as the days increas'd, increas'd their doubt Sometimes they thought he might be only Chown, And for a time caught up to God, as once Moles was in the mount, and miffing long ; 15 And the great Thifbite, who on fiery wheels Rode up to Heav'n, yet once again to come. Therefore as th,ife young prophets then with care Sought loll Elijah, fo in each place thefe Night to Bethabara ; in Jericho 20 The city' of palms, lEnon, and Salem old, Machwrus, and each town or city wall'd On this fide the broad lake Genezaret, Or in Perwa ; but return'd in vain. Then on the bank of Jordan, by a creek, 25 Where winds with reeds and ofiers whifp'ring play, Plain fifbermen, no greater men them tall, Clofe in a cottage low together got, Their