Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

BooK II. PARADISE REGAIN'D. Though Adam by his wife's allurement fell, However to this man inferior far, 735 If he be man by mother's fide at leaft, With more than human gifts from Heav'n adorn'd, Perfedions abfolute, graces divine, And amplitude of mind to greateft deeds. Therefore I am return'd, lea confidence 140, Of my fuccefs with Eve in Paradife Deceive ye to perfuafion over-lure Of like fucceeding here ; I fummon all Rather to be in readinefs, with hand Or council to affia ; left I who era 145 Thought none my equal, now be over-match'd. So fpake the old serpent doubting, and from all With clamor was afTur'd their utmofi aid At his command ; when from amidfl them rote Bdial, the diffoluteft Spi'rit that fell, 15o The fenfualleft, and after Afmodai The flethliett Incubus, and thus advis'd. Set women in his eye, and in his walk, Among daughters of men the faireft found ; Many are in each region patting fair 155 As the noon fky ; more like to Goddeffes Than mortal creatures, graceful and ditcreer, Expert in amorous arts, inchanting tongues Pertuafive, virgin majetty with mild And fweet allay'd, yet terrible t' approach, 160 Skill'd to retire, and in retiring draw Hearts after them tangled in amorous nets. Such object hath the pow'r to foft'n and tame Severea temper, fmooth the rugged'a brow, Enerve, and with voluptuous hope diffolve, X65 Draw out with credulous defire, and lead At will the manlieft, refoluteft breaft, As the magnetic hardeff iron draws. Women -