jzS PARADISE REGA 14\i'D. Boox In all things that to greateft aetionS lead. The wifcft, unexperienc'd, will be ever 24Q Timorous and l-ath, with ru vice modefly, (As he who reeking affes found a kingdom) Irrefolute, unhardy, unadventrous : But I will bring thee where thou loon (halt quit Thofe rudiments, and fee before thine eyes 245 The monarchies of th' earth, their pomp and Bate, Sufficient introduction to inform Thee, of thyfelf fo apt, in regal arts, And regal myfteries, that thou may'll know How belt their oppofition to withfland. 250 With that (Inch pow'r was giv'n him then) he took The Son of God up to a mountain high. It was a mountain at whole verdant feet A fpacious plain out-ftretch'd in circuit wide Lay pleafant ; from his fide two rivers flow'd 255 Th' one winding, th' other ftrait, and left between Fair champain with lets rivers intervein'd, Then meeting join'd their tribute to the fea : Fertil of corn the glebe, of oil and wine 259 With herds the pattures throng'd, with flocks the hills; Huge cities and high towed, that well might kern The feats of mightiefl monarchs, and fo large The profpea WAS, that here and there was room For barren defert fountainlefs and dry. To this high mountain top the Tempter brought 265 Our Saviour, and new train of words began. Well have we fpeeded, and o'er hill and dale, Foreft and field and flood, temples and towers, Cut (hurter many a league ; here thou behold'ft Affyria and her empire's ancient bounds, 270 Araxes and the Cafpian lake, thence on As far as Indus call, Euphrates weft, And oft beyond; to fouth the Perfian bay, And