Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

130ox IIii PARADISE REGAIN'D, 519 And inacceflible th' Arabian drouth : Here Nineveh, of length within her wall 275 Several days journey, built by Ninus old, Of that fi ft golden, monarchy the feat, And feat of Salmanairar, whofe fuccefs lfrael in long captivity Hill mourns ; There Babylon, the wonder of all tongues, 280 As ancient, but rebuilt by him who twice Judah and all thy father David's houfe Led captive, and Jerufalem laid watle, Till Cyrus let them free ; Perfepolis His city there thou feefl, and Batra there ; 285 Ecbatana her itruCture vail there ihows, And Hecatompylos her hundred gates ; There Sufa by Choa1pes, amber dream, The drink of none but kings; of later fame Built by Emathians or by Parthian hands, 290 The great Seleucia, Nifibis, and there Artaxata, Teredun, Ctefiphon, Turning with eafy eye thou may'a behold. All thefe the Parthian, now fome ages pail, By great Arfaces led, who founded fira 295 That empire, under his dominion holds, From the luxurious kings of Antioch won. And 'pa in time thou corn'il to have a view Or his great pow'r ; for now the Parthian king In Ct,fiphon hath gather'd all his hoft 304:0 Againa the Scythian, whole incurfions wild Have wailed Sogdiana ; to her aid He marches now in balk ; fee, though from far, His thoufands, in what martial equipage They Mile forth, fled bows, and 'hafts their arms 3o5 Of equal dread in flight, or in purfuit ; All horfemen, in which fight they moil excel ; See how in warlike mutter they appear,