Boot IV. PARADISE REGAIN'D. 529 Hafting, or on return, in robes of {tate ; Li&ors and rods, the enfigns of their. pow'r, 65 Legions and cohorts, turms of horfe and wings : Or =baffles from regions far remote In various habits on the Appian road, Or on th' Emilian, fome from farthefl fouth, Syene', and where the fhadow both way falls, 70 Meroe Nilotic ifle, and more to weft, The realm of Bocchus to the Black-moor fea ; From rh' Afian kings and Parthian among thefe, From India and the golden Cherlonefe, And utmofl Indian ifle Taprobane, 75 Dufk faces with white filken turbants wreath'd ; From Gallia, Gades, and the Britifh weft, Germans and Scythians, and Sarmatians north Beyond Danubius to the Tauric pool. All nations now to Rome obedience pay, So To Rome's great emperor, whole wide domain In ample territory, wealth and power, Civility of manners, acts and arms, And long renown, thou juilly may'ft prefer Before the Parthian ; thefe two thrones except, 85 The reft are barb'rous, and fcarce worth the fight, Shar'd among petty kings too far remov'd ; Thefe having fhown thee, I have lhown thee all The kingdoms of the world, and all their glory. This emp'ror hath no fon, and now is old, 90 Old and lafcivious, and from Rome retir'd To Caprew an ifland (mall but ftrong On the Campanian fbore, with purpofe there His horrid lulls in private to enjoy, Committing to a wicked favorite 95 All public cares, and yet of him fufpicions, Hated of all, and hating ; with what eafe, Indued with regal virtues as thou art, L 111 Appearing