Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

Boole IV. PARADISE REGAIN'D 531 Frugal, and mild, and temp'rate, conquer'd well, But govern ill the nations under yoke, 135 Peeling their provinces, exhaufled all By lull and rapine ; &ft ambitious grown Of triumph, that infulting vanity ; Then cruel, by their fports to blood inur'd Of fighting beafts, and men to bealls expos'd, 14o Luxurious by their wealth, and greedier fill, And from the daily fcene effeminate. What wife and valiant man would feek to free Thefe thus degenerate, by themfelves istflPv'd, Or could of inward {laves make outward free ? 145 Know therefore when my feafon comes to fit On David's throne, it (hall be like a tree Spreading and overfhadovving all the earth, Or as a ftone that (hail to pieces clafb All monarchies betides throughout the world, 15o And of my kingdom there (hall be no end : Means there fhall be to this, but what the means, Is not for thee to know, nor me to tell. To whom the Tempter impudent reply'd. I fee all offers made by me how flight 155 Thou valuefl, becaufe offer'd, and rejed'll Nothing will pleafe the difficult and nice, Or nothing more than flill to contraditt : On th' other fide know alio thou, that On what I offer fet as high edeem, 160 Nor what I part with mean to give for nought ; All thefe which in a moment thou behold'Ct, The kingdoms of the world to thee I give ; For giv'n to me, I give to whom I pleafe, No trifle ; yet with this re.erve, not elfe, 165 On this condition, if thou wilt fall down, And wolihip me as thy fuperior lord, Eafily done, and hold them all of me ; For