Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

BooK IV. PARADISE REG kIN'D. Who then thou art, whole coming is foretold To me to fatal, me it molt concerns. 205 The trial oath indatnag'd thee no way, Racher more honor left and more eltr,em ; Me nought advantag'd, miffi 1 what I aitn'd. Therefore let pats, as they are tranfi' ory, The kingdoms of this world ; I fhal n s more 210 Advice thee ; gain them as thou canfl, or not, And thou thylelf feem'ft otherwife inclin'd Than to a worldly crown, addicted more To contemplatit n and profound difpute, As by that early ktion may be judg'd, 215 When flipping from thy mother's eye thou went'it Alone into the temple, there was found Amongfl the graveft Rabbies difputant On points and queftions fitting Moles chair, 2t9 Teaching not taught ; the childhood chows the man, As morning fhows the day. Be famous then By wisdom ; as thy empire mutt extend, So let extend thy mind o'er all the world In knowledge, all things in it comprehend : All knowledge is not couch'd in Motes law, 225 The Pentateuch, or what the Prophets wrote ; The Gentiles alto know, and write, and teach To admiration, led by nature's light ; And with the Gentiles much thou muff converfe, Ruling them by perfuafion as thou mean'ft ; 230 Without their learning how wilt thou with them, Or they with thee hold converfation meet ? Howwilt thou reafon with them, how reluze Their idolifms, traditions, paradoxes ? Error by his own arms is belt evinc'd. 235 Look once more e'er we leave this fpecular mount Weftward, much nearer by fouthweft, behold Where on the iEgean aim a city flands Built 533