Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

534 PARADISE REG AIN'D. Boox IV. Built nobly, pure the air, and light the foil, Athens the eye of Greece, mother of arts 240 And elequence, native to famous wits Or hofpi!able, in her fweet recefs, City' or fuburban, audious walks and fhades ; See there the olive grove of Academe, Plato's retirement, where the Attic bird 245 Trills h r thick-warbled notes the fummer long ; There flow'ry hill Hymettus with the found Of bees indufirinus murmur oft invites To ftudious muting ; there lliffas rolls His whifp'ring ftream : wi.hin the walls then view The fchools of ancient fages ; his who bred 251 Great Alexander to fubdue the world, Lyceum there, and painted Stoa next : There thou (halt hear and learn the fecret power Of harmony in tones and numbers hit 255 By voice or hand, and various-meafur'd verfe, fEolian charms and Dorian lyric odes, And his who gave them breath, but higher lung, Blind Melefigenes thence Homer cali'd, Whole poem Phcebus challeng'd for his own. 260 Thence what the lofty grave tragedians taught In Chorus or Iambic, teachers belt Of moral prudence with delight receiv'd In brief fententious precepts, while they treat Of late, of chance, and change in human life ; 265 High actions, and high paftions belt dcfcribing : Thence to the famous orators repair, Thole ancient, whole refifilefs eloquence Wielded at will that fierce democratie, Shook th' arfenal and fulmin'd over Greece, 270 To Macedon and Artaxerxes throne : To fage philofophy next lend thine ear, From Heav'n defcended to the low-rooft houfe of