Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

Bdoic IV.' PA It AD ISE Rt GAIN' IL As varnifh on a harlot's cheek, the reft, Thin fown with ought of profit or delight, 345 Will far be found unworthy to compare With Sion's longs, to all true tattes excelling, Where God is prais'd aright, and God-like men, The Holiett of Holies, and his Saints ; Such are from God infpir'd, not Inch from the; 85(5 Unlefs where moral virtue is exprefs'd By light of nature not in all quite loll. Their orators thou then extoll'ft, as thole The top of eloquence, ftatifts indeed, And lovers of their country, as may feem ; 355 But herein to our prophets far beneath, As men divinely taught, and better teaching The.folid rules of civil government In their maieftic unaffected Rile Than all th' oratory of Greece and Rome.; 36do In them is plaineIt taught, and eafieft learnt, What makes a nation happy', and keeps it fo, What ruins kingdoms, and lays cities fat; Thefe only with our law belt form a king. So, fpake the Son of God ; but Satan now Qaite at a lots, for all his darts were fpent, Thus to our Saviour with flern brow reply'd. Since neither wealth, nor honor, arms nor arts, Kingdom nor ernpire pleafes thee, nor ought By me propos'd in life contemplative, 37d Or adive, tended on by glory', or fame, What doll thou in this world ? the wildernefs For thee is fitteti place ; I found thee there, And thither will return thee ; yet remember What I foretel thee, loon thou (halt have caufe j7.# To with thou never hadft rejeded thus Nicely or cautioully my offer'd aid, Which would have let thee in fhort time with eafe M m m