538 PARADISE REGAIN'D. BOOK 1V. On David's throne, or throne of all the world, Now at full age, fulnefs of time, thy feafon, 380 When prophecies of thee are belt fulfill'd. Now contrary, if I read ought in Heaven, Or Heav'n write ought of fate, by what the liars Voluminous, or fingle charkters, In their conjunction met, give me to fpell, 385 Sorrows, and labors, oppofition, hate Attends thee, fcorns, reproaches, injuries, Violence and {tripes, and lafily cruel death ; A kingdom they portend thee, but what kingdom, Real or allegoric I difcern not, 390 Nor when, eternal Pure, as without end, Without beginning ; for no date prefix'd Directs me in the Barry rubric let. So fay'ing he took (for hill he knew his power Not yet expir'd) and to the wildernefs 395 Brought back the Son of God, and left him there, Feigning to difappear. Darknefs now rote, As day light funk, and brought in louring night Her fhadowy offspring, unfuhdantial both, Privation mere of light and abfent day. 400 Our Saviour meek and with untroubled mind After his aery jaunt, though hurried fore, Hungry and cold betook him to his ref}, Wherever, under fome concourfe of fhades, Whole branching arms thick intertwin'd might fhield From dews and damps of night his fhelter'd head, 406 But fhelter'd flept in vain, for at his head The Tempter watch'd, and loon with ugly dreams Diflorb'd his fleep ; and either tropic now 'Gan thunder, and both ends of Heav'n, theclouds 410 From many a horrid rift abortive pour'd Fierce rain with lightning mix'd, water with fire In ruin reconcird > nor flept the winds Within