Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

BOOK IV. PARADISE REGAIN'D. 539 Within their flony caves, but rufb'd abroad From the four hinges of the world, and fell 415 On the vex'd wildernefs, whole talleft pines, Though rooted deep as high, and flurdieft oaks Bow'd their (tiff necks, loaden with ftormy blatis, Or torn up fheer : ill waft thou shrouded then, 0 patient Son of God, yet only ttood'frt 420 Unthaken ; nor yet flay'd the terror there, infernal ghofts, and Hellini furies, round rthriek'd, Environ'd thee, fome howl'd, fame yell'd, fome Some bent at thee their fiery darts, while thou Satft unappall'd in calm and finlefs peace. 425 Thus pafs'd the night fo foul, ill' morning fair Came forth with pilgrim fteps in =ice gray, Who with her radiant finger ftill'd the roar Of thunder, chas'a the clouds, and laid the winds, And griily fpedres, which the Fiend had rais'd 430 To tempt the Son of God with terrors dire. And now the fun with more effeaual beams Had chear'd the face of earth, and dry'd the wet From drooping plant, or dropping tree; the birds, Who all things now behold more frefh and green, After a night of form fo ruinous, 436 Clear'd up their choicell notes in bufh and (pray To gratulate the fweet return of morn ; Nor yet amidfl this joy and brighteft morn Was abfent, after all his milchief done, 440 The prince of darknefs, glad would alto feem Of this fair change, and to our. Saviour came, Yet with no new device, they all were (pent, Rather by this his laft affront refolvid, Defp'rate of better courfe, to vent his rage, 445 And mad defpite to be fo oft repell'd. Him walking on a funny hill he found, I3ack'd on the north and weft by a thick wood,; Out