542 PARADISE REGAIN'D. Book IV. And if I was, I am ; relation (lands ; All men are Sons of God ; yet thee I thought 520 In fome raped far higher fo declar'd, Therefore I watch'd thy footfteps from that hour, And follow'd thee hill on to this wafte wild ; Where by all belt conjectures I coiled Thou art to be my fatal enemy. 525 Good reafdn then, if 1 before-hand Peek To underhand my adverfary, who And what he is ; his wifdom, powrr, intent ; By pail, or cornpofition, truce, or league To win him, or win from him what I can. 530 And opportunity I here have had To try thee, fift thee, and confefs have found thee Proof againft all temptation, as a rock Of adamant, and as a center, firm, To th' utmoft of mere man both wife and good, 535 Not more ; for honors, riches, kingdoms, glory Have been before contemn'd, and may again : Therefore to know what more thou art than man, Worth naming Son of God by voice from Heaven, Another method I mull now begin. 540 So fay'ing he caught him up, and without wing Of hippogrif bore through the air fublime Over the wildernefs and o'er the plain ; Till underneath them fair Jerufalem, The holy city lifted high her towers, 345 And higher yet the glorious temple rear'd Her pile, far off appearing like a mount Of alabaster, topt with golden spires : There on the higheft pinnacle he fet The Son of God, and added thus in fcorn. 550 There hand, if thou wilt hand ; to (land upright Will afk thee (kill ; Ito thy Father's houfe Have brought thee', and higheft plac'd, higheft is bell, Now