Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

Book IV. PARADISE REGAIN'D. Now thaw thy progeny; if not to ftand, Cart thyfelf down ; fafely, if Son of Gad : 555 For it is written, He will give command Conerning thee to his Angels, in their hands They hall up lift thee, left at any time Thou chance to dafh thy foot againft a hone. To whom thus Jefus ; Alio it is written, .56o Tempt not the Lord thy God : he laid and hood : But Satan fmitten with amazement fell. As when earth's fon Antxus (to compare Small things with greateR) in Iraffa (trove With Jove's Alcides, and oft foil'd full role, 565 Receiving from his mother earth new ftrength, Fresh from his fall, and fiercer grapple join'd, Throttled at length in th' air, expir'd and fell ; So after many a foil the Tempter proud, Renewing fresh affaults, amidft his pride 570 Fell whence he flood to fee his victor And as that Theban tnonfter that propos'd Fl-zi riddle', and himwho folv'd it not, devour'd, That once found out and folv'd, for grief and fpite Caft herfelf headlong from th' Ifmenian fteep ; 575 So ftruck with dread and anguifh fell the Fiend, And to his crew, that fat confulting, brought Joylefs triumphals of his hop'd fuccefs, Ruin, and defperation, and difmay, Who durfl fo proudly tempt the Son of God. 58o So Satan fell ; and firait a fiery globe Ot Angels on full fail of wing flew nigh, Who on their plumy vans receiv'd him foft From his uneafy flation, and upbore As on a floting couch through the blithe air, 585 Then in a flow'ry valley let him down On a green bank, and let before him fpread A table of celettial food, divine, 543 Atnbrofial