5/4. PARADISE REGAIN' D. Bow( IV. Ambrofial Iruits, fetch'd from the tree of life, And from the fount of life ambrofial drink, 596 That loon refrefh'd him wearied, and repair'd, What hunger, if ought hunger had impair'd, Or thirft ; and as he fed, angelic quires Sung heav'nly anthems of his vidory Over temptation, and the Tempter proud. 595 True Image of the Father, whether thron'd In the boforn of blifs, and light of light Conceiving, or remote from Heav'n infhrin'd In flefhly tabernacle, and human form, Wand'ring the wildernefs, whatever place, boo Habit, or nate, or motion, fill expreffing The Son of God, with God-like force indued Againfi th' attempter of thy Father's throne, And thief of Paradife ; him long of old Thou didft debel, and down from Heaven raft 605 With all his army, now thou haft aveng'd Supplanted Adam, and by vanquifhing Temptation, haft regain'd loft Paradife ; And truncated the conqueft fraudulent : He never more henceforth will dare let foot 6ao In Paradife to tempt : his fnares are broke : For though that feat of earthly blifs be fail'd, A fairer Paradife is founded now For Adam and his chofen Ions, whom thou A Saviour art come down to re- inftall 61.1 Where they (ball dwell fecure, when time (hall be, Of Tempter and temptation without fear. But thou, infernal. Serpent, (halt not long Rule in the clouds ; like an autumnal far Or lightning thou (halt fall from Heav'n, trod down Under his feet : for proof, ere this thou teen 62 Thy wound, yet not thy Ian and deadlieft wound, By this repulfe receiv'd, and hold'It in Hell