Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

BOOK xm PARADISE LOST. 339 Save when they journey, and at length thy come, Concluded by His Angel to the land Promis'd to ?:braham and His feed-The ref{ 260 Were long to tell ; how many battels fought ; How many Kings deftroy'd ; and Kingdoms won ; Or 11,,w the tun (hall in rnid-heav'n (land A ddy entire, and night'i due courfe adjourn, Man's vice commanding, " fun in Gibeon Eland, 265 " And thou moon in the vale of Ajalon, " Til Ifrael overcome ;" fo call the third From Abraham, fon of liaac ; and from him His whole detcent who thus fhall Canaan win. Here Adam interpos'd. 0 fent from heav'n, 270 Inlightner of my darknefs 1 gracious things Thou haft revcal'd; thole chiefly, which concern jutt Abraham, and his feed : now firft I find Mine eyes true op'ning, and my he2rt much eas'd ; E'er-while perplex'd with though ts,what wouldbecome Of me and all mankind but now I lee 276 His day, in Whom all nations fhall be bleft :. Favor unmerited by me, who fought ForbicLen knowledge by forbidden means! This yet I apprehend not, why to thole 280 Among whom God will deign to dwell on earth So many, and fo various, laws are giv'n : So many laws argue fo many fins Among them : how can God with filch refide ? To whom thus Michael. Doubt not but that fin 23:5 Will reign among them, as of thee begot : And therefore was law giv'n them to evince Their natural pravity, by flirting up Sin againft law to fight : that when they fee Law can difcover fin, but not remove 290 (Save