340 PARADISE LOST. Booze X11. (Save by thole fhadowy expiations weak, The blood of bulls and goats) they may conclude Some blood more precious mull be paid for man ; Jult for unjuft : that in fuch righreoufnefs To them by faith imputed, they may find 293 juftification towards God, and peace Of confcience ; which the law by ceremonies Cannot appeafe ; nor man the Moral part Perform; and not performing, cannot live. So law appears hnperfeCt ; and but giv'n 3 With purpofe to reign them, in full time, Up to a better cov'nant ; difciplin'd From fhadowy types to truth ; from flefh to fpirit ; From impofition of firia laws, to free Acceptance of large grace; from fervile fear 305 To filial ; works of law, to works of faith. And therefore (hall not Mores ( though of God Highly belov'd,) being but the Minifter Of Law, His people into Canaan lead ; But Jofhua : (whom the Gentiles Jefus call ; 310 His name and office bearing, who (hall quell The adverlary ferpent ; and bring back Through the world's wildernefs. long-wander'd man, Safe to Eternal Paradife of ref},) Mean while they, in their earthly Canaan plac'd, 315 Long time (hall dwell and profper : but when fins National interrupt their public peace ; Provoking God to raife them enemies ; From whom as oft He laves them penitent ; By Judges firft, then under Kings : of whom 320 The fecond, (both for piety renown'd, And puiffant deeds) a promife (hall receive Irrevocable, that his regal throne For ever Chill indure : the like (hall fang All prophecy, that of the royal flock 325 Of