Milton - PR3550 D77 1777 M2

558 SAMSON AGONIS TES. To loweff pitch of abied fortune thou art fall'm For him I reckon not in high eflate 170 Whom long defcent of birth Or the fphere of fortune raifes ; But thee whole ftrength, while virtue was her mate, Might have fubdu'd the earth, Univerfally crown'd with highea praileg. 175 Sam. 1 hear the found of words, their fenfe the air Diffoives unjointed ere it reach my ear. Cho. He fpeaks ; let us draw nigh. Matchlefs in The glory late of Ifrael, now the grief ; [might, We come thy friends and neighbours not unknown. From Efhtaol and Zora's fruitful vale 181 To vifit or bewail thee, or if better, Couniel or confolation we may bring, Salve to thy fares ; apt words have pow'r to fwage The tumours of a troubled mind, 185 And are as balm to felter'd wounds. Sam. Your coming, friends, revives me; for I learn Now of my own experience, not by talk, How counterfeit a coin they are who friends Bear in their fuperfcription, (of the moft 190 I would be underaood;) in profp'rous days They (warm, but in adverfe withdraw their head, Not to be found, though fought. Ye fee, 0 friends, How many evils have inclos'd me round : Yet that which was the worft now leaft afilids me,195 Blindnefs ; for had 1 fight, confus'd with finale, How could I once lock up, or heave the head, Who like a foolilh pilot have fhipwreck'd My vefrel trufted to me from above, Gorioufly rigg'd ; and for a word, a tear, 200 Fool, have divulg'd the fecret gift of God To a deceitful woman ? Tell me, friends, Am I not Tung and proverb'd for a fool